Linking up today with April, Elise, Katie, and Zelle for These Are a Few of My Favorite Things 2014!

Even though I'm 27 years old, my mom still fills a stocking for me every Christmas and I love it. I can't wait to fill stockings for my kids some day. I don't think that stocking stuffers should be expensive. There are so many fun things to fill stockings with that are relatively cheap. Today I'm sharing some of my favorite things to get and give as stocking stuffers.
Socks - Cute socks or slippers make great stocking stuffers for anyone! They could even be dress socks for work if that's something you need (hint, hint-I could use some).
Nail Polish - I love nail polish and they are the perfect size for stocking stuffers. I'm looking for a great fall/winter color--any suggestions?
Nail Polish - I love nail polish and they are the perfect size for stocking stuffers. I'm looking for a great fall/winter color--any suggestions?
Candy - Such an easy thing to fill a stocking with--my favorites are York Peppermint Patties and Reeses, in case anyone was wondering ;)
Notebook/Stationary - Who doesn't love cute notebooks, note cards, pens, etc.?
Winter Hat - I don't know about you, but living in Michigan means I have a need for lots of cute winter gear, including hats, scarves, and gloves.
Starbucks Gift Card - Or any gift card really. Coffee gift cards are great, because even a small amount like $5 or $10 will actually get you a drink or two.
Many of these items are great for the men in your life too (socks, candy, winter gear, gift cards). Some of my other stocking stuffer ideas for guys include beef jerky, nuts, lottery tickets/scratch offs, and cologne.
What are some of your favorite stocking stuffers to get or to give?