Thursday, August 8, 2013

New Hair Cut

I finally got my hair cut yesterday!  Thanks for all of your sweet comments on Instagram and Twitter,  I really appreciate it.  I got about 11-12 inches cut off and I had my salon donate it for me.

It feels weird having my hair this short, but I really like it.  Now I just have to practice styling it :)  

I also picked up my wedding pictures yesterday and I can't wait to share them with you--I love them all!!!

Enjoy the rest of your's almost Friday!!



  1. That is so awesome you had it donated! I love the style you got, it's a really cute cut!

  2. Wow!! Looks so good. I am really in need of a haircut as well. I've been thinking about going a little shorter. WE will see how brave I am when I get there!

  3. How great does it feel?! Definitely still trying to get the styling down.

  4. I love the new cut and it's so awesome that you donated your hair! I've always wanted to do that, but I can never let it grow out long enough!
