Tuesday, December 8, 2015

House & Life Updates

Well, I did it again. I unintentionally took another blogging break! We had a great Thanksgiving filled with family, food, and football--just the way I like it. Kevin's cousin got married Thanksgiving weekend, and he was in the wedding, so we were busy with all things wedding that weekend.  We also had a wedding the following weekend, so we've been keeping busy, that's for sure!

Not only have our work and social lives been busy, but we've also done a big thing with our house...we had a new roof put on!  We had a big wind storm about a month ago that caused some minor chimney damage.  We had a few people come out to look at the chimney, and they all commented on the condition of our roof.  In the back of our minds, we knew the roof would have to be replaced soon, but we were hoping we could put it off longer!  I could think of a million things I would have rather spent that nice chunk of change on, but I am also thankful that we were able to get it taken care of before winter hits Michigan.

So that's what I've been up to lately, instead of blogging. But I'm really ready to make a serious come back in the blogging world. I'm thinking of changing my blog name to something more specific to me.  Along with that, I'd like to get a new blog design.  If you have anyone you'd recommend for a blog design, let me know!

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and are enjoying this holiday season. Thanks for sticking around!